Florida's Bob Graham remembered as a governor, senator of the people

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 16:50:33

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Former Democratic Gov. and U.S. Sen. Bob Graham was remembered Friday by Republicans and Democrats alike as a man whose love for people and his state of Florida transcended partisanship, many of them smiling with memories of his five decades in politics as they passed by his casket in the historic old Capitol.

A long line wound down the steps as people waited to pay their respects to the two-term governor and three-term senator, who died last week at 87. A bouquet of white flowers sent by President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, was alongside the coffin, as Graham’s wife, Adele, and four daughters greeted hundreds of mourners.

“The true feeling of really loving him — that is something that has meant so much to so many people,” said one daughter, former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham, during a private moment away from the crowd. “He cared about Florida and the people of Florida. People feel that. The outpouring of love that I’ve felt is because people knew his genuineness.”

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